Winter has finally approached in Toronto (by that I mean, it is now substantially colder and it actually has began snowing), and it's time for lots of bubble baths to relax and pamper my dry parched skin.
I know that alot of people get intimidated by Lush or even turned off by the strong smells that radiate from a block away. However, the reasoning to this is due to the fact that every ingredient in their products is made with essential oils. I promise you that once you buy these products, that you won't become overwhelmed with fragrance - whichever product you select, won't smell like the ENTIRE Lush store packed into one product. The Lush store has hundreds of products packed into a tiny store, so that explains why the smells are so strong…
I use many products from them, and always recommend it to people. Their products are made with natural ingredients, and yes, they do have expiry dates for that reason. I love the Ocean Salt scrub, their NEW! and Dr. Peppermint Solid Shampoo and of course, the bath bombs/bubbles. I recently visited the Lush store at Eaton Center to stock up for the winter since I don't live close to one anymore (they closed the location at Scarborough Town), but work near one and I'm off for 2 weeks in Dec til Jan 5th so I won't be able to go then...
Anyways, here are a few of my favourite products below:
Hauled Products:
YESSSS!!! This is a moisturizer AND exfoliator combined into one. Ground rice, almonds and beans act as the exfoliator in this bar and the moisturizing portion comes from cocoa and shea butters. This is a 2-in-1 product and works wonders on your lumpy bumpy parts (ladies you know what I'm talking about). The way you use this, is to take your regular shower routine, then in the end, you simply wet the buffy bar, rub it once around your areas (and yes, once is enough to exfoliate, if you do 2-3 wipes, you will get super greasy/moisturized). You wash off the exfoliating bits, and pat dry. You will then find that you have a film of moisturizer on you and you just get dressed. The next morning, or throughout the day, the shea and cocoa butters get absorbed into your skin and you are left with the SOFTEST skin. It also smells really amazing, nothing too intrusive or offensive. I introduced this to a multitude of friends and coworkers, and they LOVE it - it's perfect to use in the winter time to keep your skin hydrated.
Don't let the name throw you off, you won't end up smelling like Terry's Chocolate Orange treats. The scent of chocolate is very faint, it just balances the citrus smell and adds a bit of sweetness and warmth. This and the butterball are my favourite bubble bars.
New to my collection this year, I loved the calming scent of this. This would be perfect to un-wind to at the end of a busy day at the office. It has notes of ylang ylang and jasmine. Weird thing is, I'm not a fan of Jasmine… its really faint.
Vanilla and Cocoa Butter - NEED I SAY MORE? the ultimate in hydration and indulgence for your skin.
Butterbear Bath Bomb x2Same as the Butterball, its just in a cuter shape exclusive for the Winter month.
I also picked up 2 of each below - the crazy glittery one and the penguin as part of the boxing day buy 1 get 1 free sale - I forgot to take pictures of the actual product, so I relied on some google searching to get some images since they are now gone from the Lush site.
this is my Lush collection all ready for me to use!!
Do you guys have any pampering bath products? let me know!!
XO - M
Lovely picks! Buffy is one of my all-time favourite Lush products- it's so perfectly multi-tasking :)
yes! absolutely! I got my friend meagan into a total Buffy convert..i've been using it for years and when I go without it.. i feel like something's